Young Adults
Young Adults! Married or Single. Kids or no Kids. Ages 18 - 29yrs. We would love for you to join us Thursday nights from 7-9 for a time of connection and discipleship. Come worship together, learn, grow, connect and serve in community with us at Harvest Church Muskoka.
Life Groups
We believe that we were not made to go through life alone! That is why we believe that as you grow in your relationship with Jesus, we all need Group Time. Group time is time spent consistently in community, in a small group. We see this lived out in Acts 2:41-47 in the early church’s love and commitment to each other and how God used this kind of community for the sake of those inside the church and to reach the lost.
Pathways Women's Mentorship
Pathways Women's Mentorship is a ministry at Harvest Muskoka that is passionate about a woman's place in the Kingdom and about women helping other women as they pass through the various seasons in their lives. If you are seeking to share your pathway with another woman for spiritual development, encouragement, and support, Pathways Women's Mentorship can provide you that connection. If you are looking for a mentor, click below on “Mentee”. If you are looking to be a mentor, click below on “Mentor”. For more information click "Contact".
Men’s Ministry
The mission of Men’s Ministry is to see men come to know, follow, and grow in Christ by developing relationships that help encourage and challenge them in every season of life.
Join us as we learn to be the husbands, fathers, workers, and friends that God has called us to be.